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*2-3* Blues Licks > *2* BLUES LICKS 1-5 AROUND M7b5 ARPEGGIOS (Demo)

Price: $3.99
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: BLUSM7b51-5


By limiting your blues lines around two minor 7th flat five chords you can create some unique sounds within a blues progression.  These lessons shows you 5 blues licks in the key of G that will wet appetite for these types of ideas.  Embrace this idea and your lines will stand out from the rest of those same old tired blues licks. 16 minute video with close ups rehearsed slowly with PDF in tab and notation plus blues shuffle Mp3 play along track for jamming.

Hear the 16 licks played on the Mp3 links below.  
Blues Lick 1 Blues 2-4 Blues 5-8 Blues 9-12 Blues 13-16