Harmonic minor is used in jazz over dominant chords to bring out altered tones, specifically b9 and #5. Here are seven lessons explaining harmonic minor and how it is used in jazz.To totally utilize harmonic minor you must be proficient in all shapes. Learn all the shapes by playing through them in all keys chromatically and around the cycle of 4ths. Explore one octave shapes around the cycle of 4ths in the upper and lower register. Also play all the different 2 octave scale shapes through all keys around the cycle of 4ths. Finally the etude will build your single note picking technique, help you will become familiar with major and harmonic minor scale patterns, help you to hear altered dominant sounds over the V7 chords and also give you the base to create your own jazz lines. 134 minutes of video lessons with scales demonstrated close up and rehearsed slowly with a metronome plus PDF in tab and notation.